Meatpie Token |
Lil Meatpie |
Ooze Token |
Filibuster Counters
With the prerelease happening in about 24 hours, I wanted to have some tokens and counters ready to use with the new cards coming out. I already had a saproling mascot, Shortstack, which is Selesnya style, so I decided to make a Golgari type. My newest design, Meatpie is essentially made from plants and leftover corpses. Quite adorable, I know. I made a token version and a mascot version because I liked him so much. Aside from odd little plants, I also did a quick ooze token. Very simple but I enjoy how his colors came out. Lastly, with the announcement of Filibuster counters, I was requested to have these ready for the weekend. Considering filibusters tend to ramble on and on, I figured a lengthy scroll would work nicely. I have a shorter one to fit on the card and a longer version to take up space and drag things out. Hopefully, I can finished another token or two before the events, such as wurms, assassins and/or knights. But for now, something is better than nothing.